Ciril Kosmač

The Ballad of the Trumpet and the Cloud

Mini Theatre, UL AGRFT
Monday, 9. June 2025


Lutkovno gledališče Maribor, Velika dvorana / Maribor Puppet Theatre, Grand Hall

Presale price: 15 €

Regular price: 20 €

Premiere 11. 10. 2024, Mini Theatre


The performance is the master's thesis of director Žiga Hren.

The dramatization of the novel is a collaborative work of the entire creative team.


Running time: 2 hours 40 minutes, with one intermission.

Post-performance discussion with the artists.


Director Žiga Hren


Dramaturg Iva Štefanija Slosar

Set designer Karolína Kotrbová

Costume designer Nina Čehovin

Music selection and sound designers Lucas Carboni Kopše, Žiga Hren

Composer of "Majcnova pesem" Lucas Carboni Kopše

Lighting designer Domen Lušin

Language consultant Martin Vrtačnik



Neža Dvorščak, Alja Krhin, Marko Rafolt, Jure Šimonka


The Ballad of the Trumpet and the Cloud by Ciril Kosmač is considered one of the most important Slovenian novels of the second half of the 20th century. In it, Ciril Kosmač depicts the story of the writer Peter Majcen, his alter ego, who decides to write a novel about the old Tolmin farmer Temnikar. In this way, two stories intertwine within the novel: the story of the creative process of the writer Majcen, and the story of the last day of Jernej Temnikar, who leaves his family on Christmas Eve in 1943 to save captured and wounded partisans from a massacre.

The creative team of the performance is largely composed of the youngest theatre makers. At the core of their creative process are questions of an artist's social responsibility and the wartime era they have not experienced. What do the stories of our (great-)grandparents and their families tell us today? And how valuable is artistic creation if, in our daily preoccupation with ourselves, we so often fail to hear those around us?