Based on Harold Pinter's Ashes to Ashes | Translation by Darja Dominkuš


Eva Mahkovic and Dorian Šilec Petek
Društvo Dveh
Saturday, 7. June 2025


Ex Casino

Presale price: 15 €

Regular price: 20 €

Sunday, 8. June 2025


Ex Casino

Presale price: 15 €

Regular price: 20 €

Premiere 29. 11. 2024, KUD Dveh, Poljanska 73a


Running time 1 hour 20 minutes, no intermission.

The performance includes flashing lights, loud music, and smoke effects.

Post-performance discussion with the artists.


Director and Set designer Dorian Šilec Petek


Dramaturg Eva Mahkovic

Composer Jan Krmelj

Translator of the original work Darja Dominkuš

Producer Mija Špiler

Language consultant Maja Cerar

Paintings Boris Mihalj



Polona Juh

Saša Tabakovič


Throughout history, the presence of the spirit of the deceased in the home of the bereaved has been seen in stopped clocks, exploding light bulbs, sudden changes in temperature, butterflies passing by. We see the face of the deceased in strangers on the road, inexplicable shadows in corners, feel unaccountable phantom touches, the printer itself begins to print. Photographs move on the walls. Mourning transcends reality, shears into it and changes it. Variations in reality are tricks the mind plays on itself, convincing itself that there is something else, that it is still possible to search for meaning. 

But who are we grieving for? A loved one? For the times that were. For times that will not be? For ourselves? For beliefs about the world that will never be fulfilled?

Dust is about the mourning (and the aftermath) of two catastrophes; the personal catastrophe of the loss of a loved one and the global ecological catastrophe. The mourning is twofold, for the lost loved one and for the world outside us. Dust is an anxious prose chronicle of our greatest fears of loss.