Alma. Travel sketches of Miss A.

Maribor Puppet Theatre
Foto: boštjan lah
Thursday, 13. June 2024


Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre, Small Stage

Presale price: 8 €

Regular price: 10 €

Based on the life of Alma Karlin

Première 16 February 2023, Maribor Puppet Theatre, Small Hall

Running time 45 minutes. No intermission.

Authors of concept Darka Erdelji, Vesna Vončina
Director and art designer Darka Erdelji
Composer and sound concept designer Mateja Starič
Dramaturg and language consultant Metka Damjan
Spanish translator Vesna Crček
Costume designer Mojca Bernjak
Puppet makers and set designers Darka Erdelji, Mojca Bernjak, Branko Caserman, Aleksander Andželović, Lucijan Jošt, Miljenko Knezoci, Urban Saletinger
Lighting designer Miljenko Knezoci
Sound designer Mitja Pastirk
Sound master Aljaž Fredi Novak

Vesna Vončina

"I want to travel the world, enjoy and observe... The beauty that is laid before me, I shall commit to these pages..." wrote Miss A. or Alma Karlin, one of the greatest travellers of all time. She set out on her eight-year journey alone, with an Erika typewriter and a handwritten ten-language dictionary that she had compiled herself. "It was not the desire for adventure that drove me, but the call of a task that could not be refused: I was going to write!"

Alma. Travel sketches of Miss A. is a poetic play about stepping into the unknown and the search for life in the colourful diversity of the world... But also, about the importance of a series of moments that define us, give us breadth and depth, and turn into memories.